Ansembel Sibarani
Now, this album by Orkes Kutiland with Ansembel Sibarani was banned during the Suharto dictatorship....
Nationalistic and patriotic songs and songs that praise the ideology of Indonesia's first president Sukarno.
The songs Re-So-Pim (Revolusi, Socialisme, Nasional) and Nasakom Bersatu were banned and the writer of the songs Subranto K Atmodjo spent time on the prison island Buru.
He had also written the PKI's theme song Pujaan Kepada Partai. Atmodjo later converted to Christianity and wrote a number of spiritual songs which were allowed to be recorded....
You can read all about Nasakom here:
This album came out in 1964, a year before the so-called G30S/PKI, when all hell broke loose in Indonesia,
the first president Sukarno was deposed off (he spend his remaining years under house arrest) and the dictator Suharto took power for the next 32 years.