Musictime In Indonesia

The Idaly Sisters (Tridara Idali) - Linda, Lolly & Elsie

Bulan PurnamaBulan Purnama

Idaly Sisters

Impian Bateks

Label: Panda SEG-112
Bulan PurnamaBulan Purnama

Idaly Sisters

Impian Bateks

Label: R Super EP-013
Let's Go SoulLet's Go Soul

Idaly Sisters

The Kingsmen

Label: Rca Victor SGE-0009
Liburan Dikota UdangLiburan Dikota Udang

Idaly Sisters

Band 6 Bajangan

Label: Elshinta A-6703
Soul SauceSoul Sauce

Idaly Sisters

The X-Periment

Label: Rca Victor SGS-0001

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                                                                                                 © 2018 Chris & Dian & James